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Mythos of Angels, or Angels Smex It Up, Too

August 1, 2012

It’s been pointed out in several reviews (and in general reader discussions) that some readers have issues with erotic books starring angels. For some reason, there’s a prevailing thought that angels are these genderless, sexless, pure-as-light beings, and I have to disagree. Like… heavily disagree. That’s not the Biblical mythos at all, and my angels tend to be based on that mythos, and then expanded upon (such as, my angels have bird-like qualities).

I don’t think angels are genderless. In fact, I tend to subscribe to the idea that all angels are male. Canonically speaking, the angels we’re presented with are all male. Male names. Male figures. Male everything. Now, as we’ve gone on, mankind has inserted female angels into the ranks, but I think that’s more progressive thinking than Biblical truth. (Admittedly, I am not Christian and don’t subscribe to their beliefs, but I’ve done a lot of research on Biblical angels.) This, to me, is a direct reflection on the roots of Christianity being a male-based religion, dominated by the male presence, from a masculine God to masculine angels to masculine heroes. (Also, check out Genesis 6:2 where angels are referred to, specifically, as the ‘sons of God’.)

Sexless. As in, non-erotic. This, too, I think, is an odd opinion to take considering the angels—when the human race was young—bred with human females and created the nephilim. It’s part of the Noah’s ark story. The angels thought human females beautiful and wanted to be sexual with them. They were sexual, which led to the conception and birth of the nephilim (Chapter 6 of Genesis goes into that story). These were giant hybrids of angels and man. The angels got their freak on, and then God got pissed. God flooded the world and destroyed them before forbidding the angels to do it again. So, angels, to my reading and interpretation, were/are very sexual creatures with sexual appetites—appetites God instilled them with.

The pure-as-light idea is silly to me. Angels are without free will. They don’t possess souls. They were created to be extensions of God, to do His Will outside and inside of Heaven. They’re also cruel, murdering jerks half the time. Not only will they screw with man, but they screwed with each other, too. Depending on what you believe, there was the angel uprising in Heaven when God created man. When God’s love turned from the angels to man, Lucifer wasn’t happy. He rebelled. He became the source of evil in the world along with his fallen brethren. I tend to think angels were wonderfully summed up by Thomas in the movie Prophecy: Did you ever notice how in the Bible, whenever God needed to punish someone, or make an example, or whenever God needed a killing, he sent an angel? Did you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like? A whole existence spent praising your God, but always with one wing dipped in blood. Would you ever really want to see an angel?

To me, given the varied mythos we’re presented with, angels are complex, sexual, vital creatures, serving a purpose they can’t escape while loving their creator with the kind of purity and devotion that comes only from the absence of free will. Is it any wonder that they would seek any level of control over a life like that, or that bodily autonomy and sexual freedoms would be the only avenue they felt open to them? 🙂 This is why I write sexually active angels, both in Heaven and on Earth. It’s interesting to explore, and I don’t do it willy-nilly. Promise. 😉

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  1. August 1, 2012 10:22 am

    The asexual part comes from Mark 12:25, where Jesus is rebuking the Pharisees. “For when they shall rise from the dead, they neither marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the angels which are in heaven.” So either angels lost their sexual capacity after the Flood or they never had one.

    It’s assumed the “sons of God” in Genesis are angels. Some of us were not taught the unique, 2 person creation, but that Adam and Eve were a specific pair created by a specific god. The “Sons of God” are their children and the “Daughters of men” are the women from the people not of their line. (You know the ones Cain had to build a whole CITY for)

    The sexless part is an interesting interpretation of Galatians 3:28. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.” It’s assumed, based on Mark, we will be like angels after death. And this states there is no race, no class and no gender.

    I like sexy angels but they really aren’t Biblical. Violent ones are. That’s okay too. It’s fiction.

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